
In this post, you will learn about E-commerce website, what is ecommerce website and its benefits. An E-commerce website is an online portal where you can buy or sell your product or services. There are different types of E-commerce websites such as B2C (Business to Customer), B2B (Business to Business), C2B (Customer to Business), C2C (Customer to Customer)

In this post, you will learn about E-commerce website, what is ecommerce website and its benefits

E-commerce websites are highly popular, as they offer the benefits of having a website and an online store. You can sell your products in bulk and even take your profits directly to the bank. E-commerce websites are great for small businesses as well as large ones with multiple locations.

Here, we will discuss what is ecommerce website, its benefits and types in detail:

An E-commerce website is an online portal where you can buy or sell your product or services.

An E-commerce website is an online portal where you can buy or sell your product or services. E-commerce websites are used by big brands like Amazon, eBay and Flipkart. They also called as online stores, which are one of the most effective ways to reach out to customers across the globe.

E-commerce websites have become very common and easy to use now days that every person can easily access them from their desktops with internet connection at home or office even without downloading any software on their computers!

There are different types of E-commerce websites such as B2C (Business to Customer), B2B (Business to Business), C2B (Customer to Business), C2C (Customer to Customer)

There are different types of E-commerce websites, such as B2C (Business to Customer), B2B (Business to Business), C2B (Customer to Business), and C2C.

A B2C website sells products or services directly to consumers. It’s the most common type of eCommerce website used by small businesses because they can reach their customers directly through the internet. Many people find it easier than going through a third party like Amazon or eBay because it allows them direct contact with their customers without having any middlemen in between them.

Top 5 E-commerce platforms are WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce and OpenCart

  • WooCommerce – This is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to sell anything online. It has over 1 million active installs and more than 2 million downloads per month.
  • Shopify – This is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that allows you to sell online with no setup required and it comes with payment gateways for major credit cards, PayPal®, Stripe® and Braintree® (formerly Acxiom).
  • Magento – The world’s leading open source ecommerce platform powering over 25% of all global ecommerce sites today!

E-commerce website is used by big brands like Amazon, eBay and Flipkart.

E-commerce website is used by big brands like Amazon, eBay and Flipkart. These websites are known to be the biggest in their respective categories.

Amazon: The e-commerce website was started by Jeff Bezos in 1994 when he launched “” as an online book store. It has now become one of the most popular and widely used websites in the world, serving over 200 million customers across all continents every day with over 400 million products available on its website alone!

eBay: eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995 as a marketplace for trading goods between buyers and sellers worldwide through auctions for fixed prices or free trial periods before buying anything else after payment was made through PayPal (which then became PayPal Holdings Incorporated). In 1998 it launched PayPal services allowing users to make payments online using credit cards or bank accounts without having access to any cash so that people could easily buy things without having access time limits applied onto them like other payment methods would normally have done after receiving funds into account first before making any purchases themselves.”

Start your ecommerce store with a professional E-commerce web design company.

You want to start selling online, but you don’t know where to begin. You might think that creating your own website would be the best way to go, but it’s not always easy or affordable. Instead of trying to build something from scratch yourself, consider using an ecommerce platform like Shopify or WooCommerce. These platforms have tons of features that make it easy for anyone with zero experience in web design and coding (like me) to create beautiful websites with minimal effort!

You can choose between different plans depending on how many products/services you want on your store and what type of payment method(s) they’ll accept (e.g., credit cards). If someone wants more than one thing at once—like both books and blog posts—then these companies offer plans which allow them all together under one roof instead having separate sites running alongside each other.”


E-commerce website is a great way to sell products online. It helps in both offline and online marketing as well. You can also get your website traffic from social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter